
This page is my list of blog posts and projects in the drafts because of too many ideas, too little time (as every parent knows 😅). It's inspired by /ideas (Artem Tyurin came up with this notion) via About Ideas Now.

Essays / Blog posts or pages

  • 💢 Git is crap, i.e. its UX is crap. Ok I probably need to elaborate here. Please push me if you want such blog post 🙂
  • 🕵🏻 I'm abusing Changedetection for lot of things and I want to blog more about that.
  • 🎮️ I'm editing/developing a game and I want to share this to the world.
  • Automating is never lost even for rare task's if you share the work it can at least be partially useful and reused by someone on internet doing similar things. But it requires you to share.
  • 🤲🏻 Going to office helps and office is like a market or neighborhood . It's only more powerful as you make interactions and learn about neighbors. Nowadays people who complain about lack of cohesion and community in their place of living or work are also the same who complain about the behaviors of people, their closeness, the noise of kids and who prefer remote work.
  • 🤯 A story about remote work or limiting admin rights at work : some work required YubiHSM installed on managed windows machines, nobody had thought about this scenario, yet it had to happen urgently. My colleagues were in great despair as they couldn't bypass all the safety measures. In the end they had to borrow a Linux laptop (mine) to get their work done, they were fortunate I was in the office on that day, usually everyone would work remotely. But I always come to the office, and that day they came too. Problem was solved in less than 30 min after I offered them my keyboard. I have other stories about admin rights, like a case of reverse engineering...
  • 💺 As mentioned in /now - Despite my colleagues work from home 4/5 days, I continue to go to the office, it's a preference, I've already covered that in the past. Anyway my partner asked what if I could set a nice home office, my main concern is probably
    • 1) Costs!
    • 2) I don't want something that makes my back suffer.
    • 3) I shall probably write a blog post soon about the other points 😆...
  • 🧟 Why we love zombie / apocalyptic movies.
  • 🪦 It's so frustrating to have good tools shutting down without sharing their source code, lessons learned, letting their customers down, forcing everyone to switch to alternatives or build ones from scratch. Stories like StumbleUpon, Subworthy,, Google Reader ...
  • 👨🏻‍⚖️ Broken window in life and at work. See also "anomie", "loi de Sayre", "Tragédie des communs".
  • 😡 (Movie) sequels are a nuisance / annoyance. Kung fu panda 4... Inside Out 2 (Vice et versa 2), Despicable me 4, Shrek 5, Black Ops 6, Halo 6 ...
  • 🇧🇪 A collection of my favorite spots in Brussels.
  • 🧑🏻‍💻 A page with my favorite terminal tools.
  • ⏩️ Explain how I attempt to resolve Yak Shaving (what is Yak Shaving?) before it eats my productivity.
  • 🙏🏻 A public wishlist, based on my Obsidian and old Git - Wishlist.
  • Share more stories related to my Git - OhShit list.
  • 🐢 Write about Slow Programming principles.
  • 💻️ Share some of my coding principles.


  • 👨🏼‍💻 I'm coding a script to save time with the accounting/freelance paperwork. Thanks to Ponto ( I could manage to obtain complete real-time bank accounts transaction in only a few minutes of scripting. Then, I needed also to extract my credit cards transactions which I retrieve monthly in PDF format, and I wrote a script for that too. With a few more steps (OCR of my scanned documents) I can likely manage to automate missing documents notifications, issues detection, and matching of transactions with documents.
  • Your own reviews aggregator, something like metacritic/opencritic but based on your favorite data sources.
  • Convert existing CI pipelines to Dagger to ease such migrations :
  • Convert favorite searches to Changedetection watches via templates.
  • Shared recipes for Changedetection, especially for the Remove elements section.
  • A feature or plugin for Shaarli to set tags automatically based on rules, like in Wallabag. See
  • In-browser survival game with simple 2D graphics in a persistent world (MMO?) where collaboration and experimenting things is encouraged and game addiction discouraged, if possible not using JS/Flash.
  • A catalog of privacy friendly, portable lightweight, helpful and customer-centric apps and technologies.
  • What drives me mad is when checking any web-page, online tool, blog, web software, FOSS or proprietary, very few try to make an effort of respecting web standards and accessibility. If we are concerned also about privacy and green tech / carbon impact, it's even worse.Inspired by the small web, classic web, indie web and slow web philosophies, I'm trying to build such page from scratch. It promises to be a fun game. Please encourage this effort, for now it's a work in progress and just a static page.
  • A podcast or video channel or an education program to teach about privacy, danger of Gafam and monopolies, importance of portable apps (focused on links and files), small/indie web, FOSS, ... and where I would also teach productivity and automation hacks to save time, money, improve your digital organization and independence, declutter your digital life and stay secure and informed at minimal cost.
  • Make a public critique of crappy humans-blockers sites like CloudFlare. The form would be a public webpage named like ClaudeFlair (Flair de Claude 🇫🇷 ) as a mockery of all craps that I cover in Dark patterns collection. I would be happy to promote that as a fun and credible example of valid alternative to CloudFlare but also as a mean to reflect on what kind of Internet we deserve and the importance of human-first and accessible design. Inspired by and
  • Related to the previous one, I had noted a similar idea elsewhere. It is kind of TrollWare. I had this other idea of an IDE or editor that would behave like "modern web", with Captcha, etc. The purpose of such a demo/experiment is of course to serve as TrollWare and highlight the stupidity of such designs which unfortunately pollute a lot of websites.
  • A tool for finding our ideal lifestyle and area of living.
  • Game idea: all NPC become idiots and as a head of state your role is to make the best out of it without triggering a revolution against you and without harming people/NPC.
  • Game idea: main character revisits, explores and confronts his/her childhood traumas and nightmare with hallucinations and metaphors/flashbacks in his/her day to day soldier life. Meeting ghosts of soldiers are versions of him that could have been.
  • Game idea: society impacted by virus/disease or mental head issues due to poor nutrition stress work poor conditions. Goal is to destroy the technological damages/centralized powers or revert the society to something human.
  • Changedetection for legal terms and changes in law. Be notified when changing terms or licenses impact you for services you use or for other legal reasons (law etc).
  • Book to action: (aka "Tell me what to do ?!!") - Inspiring by a Podcast episode (episode 125 from Tim Ferris Show, see the transcript) where Tim Ferris interviewed Derek Sivers. The idea is an app that would turn any article or book in actionable items, to save timae and go-to the interesting part directly. It's also something I liked from Headway app.
  • Manage Miniflux global config (blocker rules etc) as-code, abusing its API, by sourcing its config from and optionally also insert banned keywords from public moderation lists such as this one.
  • I want to reborn something like (Archived) The Profound Programmer ironises the life of programmers with wallpapers.
  • Use Changedetection to automatically track my favorite keywords and searches.


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