A list of inspiring articles and tools about web minimalism. I very much tend to prefer plain text and raw formats for avoiding the need of using too many broken tools and abstractions.
- The web is mostly links and forms.
- John Doe's page - make a site using a simple HTML file.
- A smolweb bash generator.
- bashblog - a simple bash script for making blogs.
- Demos : Official. A more evolved demo is https://dead.garden/.
- Forks : shellCMS.
- Awesome Small Web Publishing - list of simple small web tools to publish your website.
- Awesome Minimalist Frameworks - list of simple and lightweight frameworks for misc. tech stacks. source.
- All you may need is HTML.
- You Dont Need JavaScript.
- my website is one binary.
- 1MB Club - tiny sites. Via.
- The 250KB Club. Via.
- The 512KB Club - is a collection of performance-focused web pages from across the Internet.
- 10kB Gallery - A tiny art gallery. Via.
- 1KB Club - even tinier sites. Via.
- minim.blog - a minimalist place that talks about existential and digital minimalism.
- simple HTML (archived) - an intro to web page design.
- Guidelines for a smolweb.
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML.
- JavaScript Bloat in 2024.
- Use plain text email.
- Why I prefer plain text email.
- there is beauty in the minimalism of email.
- Can Your Website Fit on a Floppy Disk?
- textonly.website - collection of personal websites that are lightweight and primarily text. Via. Via.
- The no-JS Club. Via.
- No CSS Club.
- A Short Guide to Minimal Web Development
- Write plain text files.
- The Website Obesity Crisis.
- Hyperlinked Text - a directory of websites that primarily stick with simple, marked up, hyperlinked text. Via.
- Markdown: a text adventure - an essay I wrote.
- I blog with raw HTML - Because all blog systems deprecate. And finding themes is painful.
π‘ Not only tools
blogs and personal websites whose I love the design: π List of inspiring web designs.
πΌ Not only web
I love minimalism applied generally...
- The Plain Text Project - The project is no longer maintained but hosts links and tools worth exploring.
- Plaintext world - Another site that curates plaintext resources.
- plaintext-everything - A list of plaintext resources on GitHub.
- Plain Text Accounting (PTA) - No fancy software needed.
- Write plain text files - "Reliable, flexible, portable, independent, and long-lasting. Plain text files will be readable by future generations, hundreds of years from now." ~ Derek Sivers.