
Today is international logic day, and I really want to read logicomix comic strip someone offered me for Christmas.

I realize as a logician that I can perfectly organize some stuff and as ADHD I feel completely stuck with some tasks yet to have my attention drained by completely unrelated events.

Often the fix or the way to disconnect from my mental paralysis is to write, walk, climb, talk, tell, draw or code.

It's a form of calm expression of self, an escape from news, emails, todo lists, code problems, mental load and daily stress for all the code and life bugs I can't unsee.

Like this blog where I write without caring if anyone is reading, and with no other purpose but the act of writing.

Make your own universe

A good house is one you have contributed to build or improve.

A good version control system has a good UX and you are done learning it in your first day. Git is far behind.

A good static site generator should not force you to read hundred documentation page beyond HTML/CSS.

A good service or platform or social media is one you do not fear to lose access to.

A good blogging platform is not one for which you pay thousands dollars for a CSS transition effect.

A good game engine is one you understand very well and can optimize to your needs.

A good CI or build script is the one you own and maintain.

An awesome meal is one you cook.

A perfect blog post is one you write without help, without filter, without caring about comments.

Everything you will build yourself is awesome, because it is unique and not forced by anyone.

I wish you an imperfect but awesome new year!