
  • Cannot really stop coding while in a task. Coding is fun.
  • Cannot really stop improving after solving a task. I'm in the flow and each improvement unlocks another.
  • Cannot really stop bug fixing before solving it. Interruption is frustrating and I need to kill this problem.


Continuous improvement is addictive because of the desire to reach perfection and repair the broken window (cfr Broken window theory).

Thanks to Vincent L. for the thoughts that inspired this blog.


As a reminder of how shitty those social media can be, I'm feeling obligated to write this short rant.

This morning, using my secondary empty and idle Instagram account to do some research, I end up discovering a nice content through the home page feed, and I'm trying to share it with my partner.

For some reason, the share does not reach my partner, so I want to find the content again and I navigate backward and this triggers a home feed refresh. My home feed is now completely unrecognizable and this causes immense frustration.

Last week, I was about to revive my main Instagram account, and this kind of bad UX reminds me that the benefits are not worth the immense frustration and non-sense of navigating an endless loop of evaporating content. No, Meta, you won't fool me again.

Fear of missing out ? not worth it.


Sometimes, especially at night, I can't help but I feel the need to hunt down a topic and explore any link in my way til I reach an answer or a dead end.

Sometimes I publish those findings in Shaarli.

This time it was about researching a minimalist tool for blogging, something like bashblog or mkws.

It's not always a victory. Maybe next time. After a good rest.

Minifux scraper rules

I'm following Joy of Tech comic via RSS in Miniflux but the image was never loading.

I found half a solution on this blog post of Jan-Lukas Else, unfortunately the proposed solution fails probably as a consequence of some changes in the format of Joy of Tech pages.

The fix is quite simple actually. Edit the feed settings, set the scraper rules to the following:

p.Maintext > img[src$=".png"]

And of course enable "Fetch original content" in the feed options.

And voilà, simple and beautiful.